Tiffany Blue: The World’s Most Precious Hue – Unveiling the Magic Behind the Iconic Color

Tiffany Blue is considered the most beautiful and happiest blue in the world.

When Tiffany is mentioned, most people’s first thought is undoubtedly the classic 1961 film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” starring the iconic Audrey Hepburn.

Tiffany Blue

The scene of Hepburn enjoying breakfast outside Tiffany’s jewelry store on Fifth Avenue, gazing at the window display, has become one of the most memorable moments in film history!

Beyond “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” another classic associated with Tiffany is its signature Tiffany Blue.

Tiffany Blue

There’s a shade of blue that represents romance and happiness. A blue that, in every detail and concept, consistently interprets only two things: love and beauty. This blue is called Tiffany Blue.

Tiffany Blue, also known as Robin’s egg blue, is a color that lies between blue and green. It’s slightly paler than typical Robin’s egg blue, giving it a fresher and more elegant appearance.

Tiffany Blue

When Chinese people see this color, they immediately associate it with the Tiffany brand, as it’s through this brand that they’ve come to know this unique color. In Western culture, it’s the opposite – when people see this blue, they first think of “happiness.”

Tiffany Blue

In the West, robins symbolize happiness and fulfillment. Since robin’s eggs are blue, this color has become the most joyful color in people’s hearts. Tiffany chose this blue as its standard color for this reason.

Gradually, Tiffany Blue has become a dream color for millions of women worldwide.

Tiffany Blue
"This is Tiffany. It is all what I want."

The Tiffany blue box holds a sacred place in every girl's heart!

It signifies the arrival of the most important chapter in life,
and will witness all the happiness, joy, and touching moments on your future path.

Whenever a woman receives one of these little blue boxes,
it means there's a man behind her, clutching his wallet and holding back tears.

It might be the most expensive blue in the world.

Interestingly, Tiffany Blue is quite remarkable. It not only has its own RGB and CMYK values but is also registered as an international standard color card with its own Pantone number, 1837 – which happens to be the year Tiffany was founded.

Due to the uniqueness of Tiffany Blue, even the iconic white ribbon Tiffany Blue Box® has been patented, becoming one of the most recognizable designs in packaging history!

Tiffany Blue

Tiffany’s founder, Charles Lewis Tiffany, even set a rule: the gift boxes cannot be sold separately. The New York Sun reported at the time: “Tiffany has one product that money can’t buy, no matter how much you spend. It’s the Tiffany Blue Box.”

P.S. Tiffany Blue can only be used by Tiffany; it’s a protected color trademark. Although Tiffany Blue originates from Robin’s egg blue, there are many birds called “robins,” and their eggs actually vary in color. This means Robin’s egg blue doesn’t have a fixed color value, only an approximate range.

Tiffany Blue

The left shows a deeper Robin’s egg blue, the upper right a lighter Robin’s egg blue, and the middle shows the color value of Tiffany Blue.


Would you ever imagine that this iconic blue color could turn yellow?

Tiffany Blue Yellow

Believe it or not, it’s true.

On April Fools’ Day, Tiffany’s official account posted a picture of a yellow Tiffany box with the caption “Introducing our new House color.” The image was accompanied by the text “Yellow is the new blue.”

Tiffany Yellow

This transformation is truly mind-boggling. Turning yellow all of a sudden???

Tiffany Yellow

Recently, Tiffany also opened a yellow pop-up store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, USA. It’s overwhelmingly yellow!

The interior and exterior walls are painted in bright yellow, and the store uses a lot of yellow furnishings. Even the jewelry boxes and shopping bags have unprecedentedly turned yellow.

Tiffany Yellow
Tiffany Yellow

In fact, this yellow makeover should be considered a long-planned marketing strategy.

The yellow pop-up store is themed around yellow diamonds. The world-famous 128.54-carat “Tiffany Yellow Diamond” is also on display.

Tiffany Yellow
Tiffany Yellow

The store also features a café called “Yellow Diamond Café,” which offers predominantly yellow-themed food and drinks such as lemon soda, yellow turmeric latte, and honey ice cream.

Tiffany Yellow

From the posts after April Fools’ Day, we can see that the classic Tiffany Blue is still there. It will never be replaced; they’re just trying something new.

Tiffany Blue

There are also reports that Tiffany plans to open similar themed pop-up stores in multiple locations worldwide. The specific locations and times are still under discussion.

As we all know, Tiffany Blue is Pantone No. 1837, a color specially customized by Pantone for Tiffany’s birth year. After years of promotion and intellectual property protection, people associate this color with Tiffany as soon as they see it.

Tiffany Blue

This color first appeared in 1845 on Tiffany’s first Blue Book.

Tiffany Blue

Although it seems like an April Fools’ Day and pop-up store marketing strategy, who knows, it might lead to a revolutionary upgrade one day.

From the experimental global yellow pop-up stores, we can sense that Tiffany’s move seems to be testing consumers’ acceptance.

For a world-renowned brand like Tiffany, upgrading the color must be done cautiously, gradually infiltrating consumer acceptance.

Everything is still unknown.

So, what do you think? Can you accept a yellow Tiffany?

Tiffany Blue: The World’s Most Precious Hue – Unveiling the Magic Behind the Iconic Color

Further Reading