MARIE JUNE is an innovative American jewelry brand renowned for its unique designs and exquisite craftsmanship. The Signature Drips collection is one of their most popular works, featuring iconic droplet designs inspired by water droplets and flow in nature.
These inspirations have been transformed into the designer’s desire to capture the movement of molten metal. The MARIE JUNE brand is both a tribute to natural beauty and an interpretation of the art of living.
Materials Used: Silver, 24K gold plating, colored gemstones, pearls
Style: Molten metal, natural water flow
Signature Drips Collection

Handcrafted in pure silver and coated with a thick layer of 18K yellow gold, these pieces juxtapose the cool luster of metal with the softness of water droplets. The balance between hardness and softness is striking, as if the moment of a droplet falling has been frozen in time.
The designs are both unique and playful, with a distinctive polished surface and metallic texture that presents a simple yet harmonious beauty.

Signature Drips Collection 2

Water droplets create a liquid, flowing sensation as design elements. Materials such as seaweed-patterned agate, opal, and abalone shell are encapsulated within the droplets.
The detailed depiction brings the water droplets to life on paper, with no complicated designs, just simple encapsulation.

Insects & Animals Collection

The Insects & Animals collection showcases new life and the power of natural growth in the new year. Double-sided wear designs, rotatable cat rings, and expandable insect wings provide designers with new directions for creativity.

Fresh Water Pearls Collection

Pearl strands and liquid metal encapsulation blend the lustrous white of pearls and mother-of-pearl. Colored pearls combined with yellow metal create a fresh visual experience.

Liquid Gold: MARIE JUNE – America’s Avant-Garde Jewelry Brand Redefining Elegance